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说明: E:\学科\学科网站资料\高层次人才\生物学科主要专家\黄锦岭\黄锦岭.jpg

黄锦岭,1964年11月出生,美国东卡罗莱纳大学 (East Carolina University) 生物系教授(Professor),兼任河南大学棉花国家重点实验室及植物逆境生物学研究所教授,中科院昆明植物研究所东亚生物多样性和植物地理学重点实验室研究员,课题组长。主要从事植物进化基因组学,水平基因转移等方面的研究。2012-2016年作为主要海外成员参与中国科学院和国家外国专家局“北半球植物生物地理学与适应性演化机制研究”创新团队国际合作伙伴计划。2015 年获东卡罗莱纳大学五年研究成就奖 (Five-Year Achievement Award in Research and Creative Activity)。现担任Journal of Systematics and EvolutionFrontiers in Ecology and Evolution, Frontiers in Plant Science, Frontiers in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology 编委。迄今在Nature Reviews Genetics, Nature Communications, Nature Plants, Trends in Genetics, Trends in Plant Science, Genome Biology, PNAS, Molecular Biology and EvolutionBioessays等国际期刊发表文章 70 余篇。


Guan, Y., L. Liu, J. Zhao, Q. Wang, P. Li, J. Hu, Z. Yang, M. P. Running, H. Sun and J. Huang. 2018. Gene refashioning through innovation shift of reading frames in mosses. Nature Communications 9:1555.

Soucy, S. J. Huang, and J. P. Gogarten. 2015. Horizontal gene transfer: building the web of life. Nature Reviews Genetics 16:472-483.

Yue, J., X. Hu, and J. Huang. 2014. Origin of plant auxin biosynthesis. Trends in Plant Science 19:764-770.

Stiller, J. W., J. Schreiber, J. Yue, H. Guo, Q. Ding, and J. Huang. 2014. The evolution of photosynthesis in chromist algae through serial endosymbiosis. Nature Communications 5:5764.

Huang, J. 2013. Horizontal gene transfer in eukaryotes: the weak-link model. Bioessays 35:868-875.